Thursday, April 18, 2013


Last night we had our first Ironman Foundation - Netwon Running Ambassador Triathlon Team meeting.  It was a webinar/phone format and covered a lot of useful information.  I am looking forward to revealing that which could impact my readers soon, as I work with all of you toward what I would consider our TEAM goals.  Each and every one of you that read this blog, support your community, support the Ironman community and support me on any given day, are considered part of this TEAM.  It feels great to be part of a TEAM doesn't it?!  I know I sure felt part of an amazing TEAM last night during the call.

There was a major point that truly resinated with me during our team call last night and I think it will hit each and every one of you.  Considering this is the inaugural year for the team the following question was posed:

Why was the Ironman Foundaiton - Newton Running Ambassador Triathlon Team created?  

There were four main answers, one of which was a homerun and summed up my desire and excitement to be a member of this team.

***To Turn a Selfish Sport into a SELFLESS Sport***

You may wonder, how can you be on a team in a selfish sport, or why would you want to participate in a selfish sport?  Triathlons, in the general sense, are an individual sport, drafting isn't even allowed on the bike.  But teams and sport are more than just the race or game, teams are about the everyday activities.  No matter what the sport or activity a team is the integral part to the entire experience leading up to, during and after an event.  Consider this one definition in the dictionary of the word team: a group of people organized to work together.  This is a very general definition illuminating the vast array of occurrences in which a group of people can come together, and I will add, to bring a positive impact on the members of the group and those the group touches.  To put it into perspective for those who may think they have never been a part of a team - think of your family as your life team, think of your office as a team, or even think of your relationship with God as your two-man team.  There are a million ways any one individual has and can experience what team is in their life.  Today I ask each of you to consider all of the teams you belong to and take this as an opportunity to tell the other members of your team that you are grateful to be on a team with them and that you know as a team you can all achieve success, in various forms, together as a team.  I would love it if you would share the teams you belong to and the success your team has and intends to achieve.  It will be motivating for me, for you, and for all that read.

If you feel like you struggle with the concept of team, please do not feel alone.  I was not always a team player, I struggled with the concept of team when I was younger and how I dealt with that struggle is not something I am proud of.  I struggled with it until I got to college and belonged to a team that helped me learn what team really meant.  I would like to thank my Grand Valley State University Cross Country and Track coach, Jerry Baltes, and all my teammates, for helping me grow and understand the importance, impact (inward and outward) and immense value of team. So if my definition and rambling has not helped you understand what team really means, take a moment each day to consider what I have said.  Look around you, and even ask those around you, what they think of when it comes to team.  If they say a winning Football team, take this opportunity to help them better understand team and plant the seeds I have started to sew here, but of course add your own personal touch of flare and heart.  After all, we are the Humankind Team and if that includes helping each other understand what team means, lets do it!

A note about the Ironman Foundation - Newton Running Ambassador Triathlon Team:
This team is not about the best of the best Ironman triathletes, nor is it about winning.  This team is about taking a sport that has been seen as a potentially selfish sport (I need the newest hi-tech gear I can't donate, I can't volunteer I need to train, I can't spend all day Saturday with my family I need to train, I can't go to Church I need to train, I can't go to the benefit dinner the food does not fit my training diet etc etc etc) and taking the athletes to a point where they join the community and give back through service projects, fundraising and donations, as well as provide examples for others of positive healthy attitudes while facing real obstacles.  I am not saying all triathletes are like the various selfish examples I gave, most that I know are not selfish at all, but the extreme training and lifestyle of an Ironman Triathlete has led to these sorts of stereotypes of Tri Geeks.  I would like to give a shout out to a few very selfless triathletes I personally know that have raised funds and volunteered for the greater good in their pursuit of becoming an Ironman: Michele Prieve Wilkinson and Dan (Dano) Tyler.  There are many that deserve honorable mention but at this time these are the two I have chosen and they make me smile!  The new Ironman Foundation - Newton Running Ambassador Triathlon Team is here to be selfless, self sacrificing and break the stereotype with and Iron Will, just as these two individuals have.  We will show the world, as the running community has through the tragic Boston Marathon events, that we are devoted members of the humankind team for the greater good, not just tri geeks!

Ok maybe I am getting a bit altruistic, but hopefully you get my basic point!

1 comment:

  1. Thank Megan. I wrote Tri Therapy with the goal of promoting triathlon and running as selfless sports. Thanks to you, too, for seeing the good that comes with being balanced and kind - and spreading it.
